Kurulus Osman Season 2

Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 40 in Best Urdu English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 13 Bolum 40 in Urdu

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Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 40 in Best Urdu English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 2 With Best Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 40 in Best Urdu English Subtitles Do you testify that I have fulfilled my duty? Witnesses are the Holy Prophet. Now if I declare my heir . Will you respect it, like my respect? And will you follow his orders in the same way? I will leave my place with my heart’s desire. You are the leader of the Qayas.

He will be the one who will not let the spark of jihad go out. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 40 in Best Urdu English Subtitles, Holding the Qai flag high till the last victory. One who does not accept imprisonment and shackles. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 40 in Best Urdu English Subtitles

 We’re not sure if he’s suspicious of us yet. Then we will clear your doubts. How?

They’re gone, sir. How come how! We didn’t go, Flatyos! We come now. Kill the soldier! Come on, God! I will kill you! I will kill you and your father here. Hold on boy! I’ve had enough bro! Brother! Centipede running away! Come on alps! son! Are you okay son? are you okay? Mister Bamsi, is Mister Bamsi okay? It’s fine son, don’t worry. Thank god. Masallah.

I couldn’t kill dad. I couldn’t kill Flatyos. Brother. My brother. You grew up like a knight.

Where is Dumrul Alp? Thanks. It was a pity for Aksu sister too. His funeral was just as beautiful. God bless you. God bless you. While trying to save me… What’s wrong, Bala? You said that you have a wound, but the real wound is in you. God bless you. You felt very sorry for Aksu sister. But you have something else, my Bala. God bless you. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 40 in Best Urdu English Subtitles

Come on. I’m mad at you, you don’t listen. Why did you get up and come before your wound is well?

Come easy guys. Thank you babe. No, Malhun lady. Kayı tribe yesterday and Söğüt today. Did you come to inspect? I was proud to hear what you did in this soup kitchen. I wanted to see it with my own eyes. So you’re going to have a look and go. Mashallah Muslim, you do not say non-Muslim. Glad we were able to make you like us. You said very harsh words to Osman last night. He magnified and remained silent, but- He is a son of a gentleman, I am a daughter of a gentleman. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 40 in Best Urdu English Subtitles

We talked about the future of our tribes. You obviously heard. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. We thought, my sheikh, that you would stay in this dervish lodge. I know you think about our comfort, sir. But all this comfort makes our way longer. We thought that so many dervishes, so many students and geniuses would only fit here. Here you are. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

We often mention his name, I hope it is good. When the great Sultan Keykubat comes to Elbistan,

he is saddened when he finds him in a desolate place during the visit of his great grandfather Gark. He gives her a mansion. Just as the genius sultan ulema Bahattin Veled did to him when he visited Konya from the land of Harezim. Where was the tawassul of the righteous to masiva?

Both had told the sultan that it would be good for them to stay with the students in the madrasah.

May Allah grant us to follow his path. Amen my sheikh, amen. I hope this place will be filled with the voices of dervishes. In this January, jurists and muftis who will serve our blessed state will be trained. Wherever anyone has a problem, he will come here. One nöker and one bey will be considered equal before those jurists. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 40 in Best Urdu English Subtitles

It will be what the ceremony says and what justice says. What do you say, Abdal, is the mystery solved?

Is there a secret that is not obvious to you that I can’t solve? You did well, son. If Allah completes his intentions, the sky will be heaped upon us in a place where there is no justice. The religion of the state is justice. Our Lord Ali. God bless him. Amine. Where are you going, sir? It’s time, girl. Will you settle the matter in Obama? Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 40 in Best Urdu English Subtitles

Do you call me naive, babe? What? I know the potter is in Söğüt.

It is necessary to finish this work without further ado. I hope you finish it. Take care of yourself, sir. Don’t worry. It’s very difficult to sculpt a perfect face, Helen? And I think it’s the best job I’ve ever done. You’re doing yourself an injustice, Nikola. You are a great commander as well as a good artist. Yes, not counting my failures against Osman. David has arrived and wants to see you, sir. Let it come. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 40 in Best Urdu English Subtitles


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