Kurulus Osman Season 3

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 70 In Best Urdu and English Subtitles

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Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 70 In Best Urdu and English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 3 With Urdu Subtitles Best
Kurulus Osman Season 3 With Urdu Subtitles Best

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 70 In Best Urdu and English Subtitles If not, if the Emperor Andronikos personally came he would never be able to take refuge with us. That’s how you convey it to your emperor. -Come on, God! -The truth is God! -Come on, God! -The truth is God! -Come on, Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 70 In English & Urdu  God! -God is right! Come on God! Sir. To whom would you give this sword?

Who will it be, master David. Thank you to my son Orhan. oh my god. -God is right! -Come on God! God is right! tawny. OK! Okay okay! Pied! Calm down. If you say what happened. What happened? Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 70 In Best Urdu and English Subtitles

O Bayhoca… My son… O Bayhoca… The good ones have a short life, my Lena.

First of all, valiant people die. Sir! Mr. Hodja… No, no, no, no! Lena left immaculate without sin. No, no, no, no! The world left without polluting it. No no… I know this pain best, nephew. There is no other choice but to persevere. None. Oh my Bayhoca… Civan was a brave man. His place is heaven now. Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 70 In Best Urdu and English Subtitles

Vote Bayhoca. Bayhoca. Vote son. Wake up, Mr. Hodja, get up, Mr. Hodja,

please, get up… What happens? Oh… No, where is it? Osman. You’re back huh. We were curious. We were ambushed. By God’s grace, we hit the caliper and left. I know, I know, mashallah mashallah. Also Flatyos- honey. honey. Who is this martyr lying in my bed? I couldn’t do it bro. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t get hold of him. Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 70 In Best Urdu and English Subtitles

It slipped through my hands. Gone. His soul flew away like a little bird.

Oh Bayhoca. oh my nephew ah… You want to be a veteran. You threw yourself in front of bloody pusats. But now you are a martyr. You became a martyr, you became a martyr. You are in heaven. However, you broke Emmi’s heart. Help me bro. Help me find that dog and bring it back. The fire in me will not cool until I chain him and kill him. Brother. Do you think I’d be back here without that dog? Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 70 In Best Urdu and English Subtitles

Did you bring it bro? I brought it. Did you bring it? I brought. Flatyos is here.

I will kill him! lena. I’m going to kill him let me kill him! lena! Bala, you stay here. Osman brought Flatyos to talk. Osman brought Flatyos to talk. If it speaks. If she makes him talk, then you’ll be ready for anything, girl. We may need to escape. run away? What escape, where will we flee, Mr. Dundar! If Flatyos talks, you shouldn’t leave me to someone else, Mr. Dundar. Come and kill me.

What do you think, honey? If it gets to that point, why should I kill you?

Is there no man to kill? Then kill him then. Or… …kill. Here we are again. How long do you think you’ll keep me here? Sir, he said, until your tongue rots. My previous visit was short-lived. No matter how many times you can break your feet. Oh, Mr. Bamsi also came. Of course, he doesn’t miss the fun, right? Flatyos, Flatyos. Where will you flee without giving account of Bayhoca, the entrustment of my Süleyman Shah, and even many alpines?

Only Bayhoca or Bamsi Bey? Don’t forget Ayaz, whose stomach I ripped open, Dumrul, whose stomach I pierced.

Shall I count more? Why did you shoot? Lord, as my witness, I will not die without smelling his carcass. Hold on, my son. Bamsi, withdraw. Let me spit once in the face of my son’s murderer. Don’t see me too much. You didn’t give me your love, but you sacrificed your son, Lena. Drop dead! Hold on aunt! stop. So that more mothers don’t get heartbroken. Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 70 In Best Urdu and English Subtitles

I need to get this dog to talk! You let go. If you leave your blood on the ground before my son enters the ground, my right is not halal for you, Osman Bey.

Tell me quickly! What happened? Commander Flatyos has been ambushed. Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 70 In Best Urdu and English Subtitles  How come? How did it happen! Göktuğ, Göktuğ attacked us with the commanders. Goktug? I should have guessed. I should have guessed! Damn! Soldier, send word to Constantinople, quick! Flatyos! Flatyos! There are endless traitors in Oban, Osman. You talk.

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 70 In Best Urdu and English Subtitles

Speak so that your death will be easy. I always wanted the hard one in my life, Osman. To kill your father. Lena. I know that the potter is not alone in the camp.


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