Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1

Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Episode 3 In Best English and Urdu Subtitles

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Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Episode 3 In Best English and Urdu Subtitles

Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Episode 3 In Best English and Urdu Subtitles This? Well, it’s a little too expensive. -I’m buying it. -400 kurus. Fie! -You got money? -Yeah. Here you are, sir. -We’ve been ripped off. Salaries gone. -I’ve got a punch here, honest. It’s not a punch, brother. It’s a rip-off. Done. It’s over! Mr. Tenor, it’s over! It’s over! -When can I get it? -Come next week. Many thanks! That’s how he sounds when he speaks normally, eh? What’s up, Abdullah? I asked what’s up, Abdullah? Oh! Welcome, pasha brothers.

Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Bolum 3 In English and Urdu Subtitles

Mustafa, your piece is magnificent. Come with me. Be quick. The new flintlock is ready. I’ve made an advanced version of it. Faster. It looks much better this way. You’ve pulled it off, Abdullah. Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Bolum 3 In English and Urdu Subtitles It’s just befitting my dear Mustafa! You’re the big gun! Mustafa. I’ve replaced the grip and extended the powder chamber. Now it’s even more destructive. Justice does what the sword fails to do, Mustafa. DOLMABAHCE PALACE It’s time, Mustafa. Son. Arrogance resembles a rock fastened around the waist.

Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Episode 3 In English and Urdu Subtitles Trailer

You can neither swim with it, nor fly with it. I understand. Come now. Esat Pasha, what is it? You’ve got the wrong room. Minister, I apologise. I was absent-minded. I’ve got this room since it was empty. An error in the protocol is unforgivable. An officer must first learn the ceremonial protocols. It is essential to respect the elders in our tradition. Better you learn this than never. You are right, minister. Please accept my apologies. Field Marshal Mustafa.

Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Episode 3 In Best English Subtitles

Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Episode 3 In Best Urdu Subtitles

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You have been deemed worthy of this medal of justice by our Sultan himself as a result of your efforts and success in Istanbul, making the Ottoman Empire proud by teaching the bases of our investigation methods and I received this thank-you letter from the British Royal Family and for your achievements. Field Marshal Mustafa, there is an engraving that reads “El adlu esasul mulk”. Do you know who said this? Hazrat Omer, Your Highness. Bravo. “El adlu esasul mulk”. Meaning ‘justice is the foundation of the state.’ One of our reforms is on justice.

Watch Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Episode 3 In English and Urdu Subtitles

You will use the knowledge you were taught and the experiences you gained in our gendarmerie corps. One day, we would like to see you as one of our ministers. As you command, Your Highness. Good. Good. We’ve got high hopes for you, Field Marshal Mustafa. Don’t you forget. Thank you for your favour, Your Highness. Good. Good. Mustafa. They say that you’ll be a minister in the future. Let’s see! Abdul and his gang are hiding at the docks. The intel is genuine. Let’s see Cadi Efendi first. To request permission for a bust.

Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Episode 3 In English and Urdu Subtitles Download Now

No time for that. We don’t how much they will linger there. I say, we take the officers and bust in. The officers are out on patrol. There’s no one else in the station apart from us and the guards. Hasan! -Get the coach ready, Hasan. -There’s one outside, chief. Let pay a visit to this Abdul. Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Episode 3 In English and Urdu Subtitles Download Now Guys, the rain is about to come down hard. Mustafa, are those British boots? Boy, you were sent to Britain for training but you’ve become a bit peculiar. The favourite of His Highness, Filinta Mustafa. My lad! Sorry, Mustafa. Forgive me, brother.

Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Episode 3 In English and Urdu Subtitles Youtube

It’s hot. Whoa! Now you head to Besiktas station right away. Take all the officers along and make it to the warehouse. Quick. Yes, sir. What do we do? You check the back. Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Episode 3 In English and Urdu Subtitles Youtube  Ali and I will take the lead. FILINTA AN OTTOMAN DETECTIVE STORY WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO WATCH ARE DETECTIVE STORIES AND ALL CHARACTERS AND INCIDENTS ARE FICTITIOUS. THIS SERIES IS IN MEMORY OF THOSE GLORIOUS MARTYRS OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE, WHICH RULED JUSTLY OVER THE WORLD,

Mendirman Jaloliddin Season 1 Episode 3 In Urdu Subtitles

AND OF THE DESCENDANTS OF THIS GREAT NATION WHO LOST THEIR LIVES IN PURSUIT OF JUSTICE. O ye who believe! Stand out firmly as witnesses to God, even against yourselves or your parents or your kin and whether it be rich or poor: for God can best protect both. Follow not the lusts, lest ye swerve, and if ye distort or decline to do justice, verily God is well-acquainted with all that ye do. Surah An-Nisa, verse 135 I take it that you’re the renowned Filinta Mustafa! Which cur’s thug are you?.

This one’s! Not so fast, Sinan the Ditch, see we’ve brought Filinta Mustafa. Where’s our reward? Abdul… could only set this much of a reward on Filinta Mustafa? Whatever Abdul wills! Filinta Mustafa, Abdul has sent word about you all across Istanbul. Dead or alive. The informant will be handsomely rewarded. -Oh, come on! Episode 2



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