Teskilat Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles Best

Teskilat Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles Best

Teskilat Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles

Teskilat Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles it was salvation you thought this road could be a huge trap so either give me the command and give me a chance to save the cost either in oil What is this Captain or I’m returning to Constantinople command God God In the Spring and then and this is not my war anymore this is no head to lose let’s go water I’m Byzantine in the castle clear One of the new ones. m Allahu akbar ha ha Selamun aleyküm ve rahmatullah bu assalamu aleyküm ve rahmatullah o Amen amin ya Lord’s name Göktuğ For the sake of

the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)

Teskilat Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles  shower patience on us in front of us behind us on our left knho protect us against all disasters that may come from heaven and earth help us against remaining infidels, O Lord , Teskilat Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles this army that is the servant of Islam Mansur and victorious Ayla Our arrows will surprise our arrows like this Let the darkness of blasphemy break down Let Honor Pizza stay with the enemy Make these customs on us Ya Rabbi Ya Rabbi this is a Rock for those who say Amen let him see your soul if

I m t this and but for Karabey semen ametor you Aleyke

Teskilat Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles  and everyone there Mustafa mince like suac to Allah’s Aslan Aziza this vellezi the most beautiful eset’s Ata filu I don’t know ininalü Yazid name faith suck mn mani we are going velilla semavati vel House and Kagan Allah rahim most sovereign a Sadakallahülazim Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ya eyyühellezine I have eliminated the burden of rule and trade me my burden of dominion and commerce I ride Naza in front of this Turkish national Allah and his messenger Walk to the majesty and tugca the next day,

Teskilat Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles

conquest strange baby cute Mini Sadakallahülazim Amin O Allah, in your way Make our army that stands like a wall Victory and grant us all that we promised Amin and Selamün alel murselin velhamdulillahi rabbil God of the world he he he Teskilat Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles he we are devastated we are starving we can’t bear it they killed an old man innocently in the morning they are harassing our girls Before the Turks we have to protect ourselves from these oppressors, we don’t have to fix it,

we can do a lot of things . But first, gather everyone

who is fed up with hunger and cruelty no [Music ] they won’t come they don’t exist anymore this I came running to the crow who has recovered I Teskilat Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles I will come and it will be by my hand it ] in this case lk a father we will meet your face Alpaslan Great God will compare us to this I’m sure this and I will lk forward to that day it’s time to act together against us If we move, I’m ahead No obstacle can stand in your way and your Master will not arm you. The results are gd, but the camera Osman,

with the weapons you will want, you will both hold

Teskilat Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles Best the persecutors to account We and you will destroy their unjust schemes on their heads and This Bey and this woman Our own State saved us from the Byzantine oppression, if it weren’t for them, it would already be Lk at all the oppressed villages that died. Teskilat Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles Can’t you see how justice came with the arrival of the Turks ? I don’t want to die of hunger or wait for the Byzantine soldiers to kill me back. I will fight for him. Right of all of us, Mr. Tekfur, don’t arm us either o

Dear sirs, we should not waste time, anyone

who can hold a gun will be of use to you, 16 small ones, sht everyone with a gun immediately, en opens strong Come on, it No my love May you be right brother God May God make our army victorious Amin Amen be careful thanks We burned that fish and will take care of everything because you didn’t leave me a Rtless Orphan About Us thank you You t, thank you Mr. and Caesar you will protect it even at the cost of your life o ya hu Clap] he is angry

We tk care of tomorrow still girl time this time Of course  of hard boy what’s going on You [ Music] where are you going o sign up ya What did you think Alpagut it’s inside of us more shut up you listen from the beginning my sword starts red let it come out red let it come out red let it come out Oh my god now I don’t say horse, Why do you want to fight them when that Turkmen enters the castle, I want to defend our castle Yes sir Yes, sir, this e-state does not exist .