Teskilat Season 3

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 65 With Best English and Urdu Subtitles

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Teskilat Season 3 Episode 65 With Best English and Urdu Subtitles

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 65 With Best English and Urdu Subtitles “Look, don’t make a mess, now look at me, I was confused, I forgot to put salt in the soup, how did they make it, how did they do it? Patience, my son, a little patience. Good luck, Bon appetit, today he took Sacide Zehra’s Daughter and went out. You too, of course.” I followed them Luckily I did. What happened, there was a guy around wherever they went. They took it after me, I don’t understand who it is.

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 65 Trailer With Best English and Urdu Subtitles

I don’t know if this man is what they have or they found my trace, I don’t know but somehow I just need to bring it back to the neighborhood It’s not out of sight like this, so it should be in front of my eyes Why are you worried, Father Efkar, if you love God’s love, the whole state is behind them . They packed it right away So what , you’re right, you’re right, you’re right. Did anyone see you, the workers or something, only where was the plane? The knife was so nice, it was like a family, I’m still so used to it, I will miss this crowd,

Teskilat Season 3 Bolum 65 With Best English and Urdu Subtitles

I swear , when the scares came last night, it was huge We became like a family. Efkar brother hasn’t changed at all. It’s been years since we’ve seen him, but I think you’re pretty close to Efkar brother You and Ömer Korkut have never been apart for years. He’s very close to all of you. He’s been there for you whenever you needed something . Of course, Efkar Bey knows Ömer’s childhood in his heart in our neighborhood for years . Is there something I just don’t know, you can tell me everything, my beautiful girl, my friends,

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 65 With Best English Subtitles

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 65 With Best Urdu Subtitles

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 17 With Best English and Urdu Subtitles

let’s know that you will not be able to do it, so let’s prepare the food We are very hungry Ya yes Mom I’m very hungry okay I ‘m coming, let’s go to the table What did you do ? Did you learn something more about your giant dessert job? so the culture He was an attaché, he was working at the consulate, he was the mask of the job, I was saying that I will find him before they find me Dad, we found him, thank goodness, what are we going to do? Tell him, at least , we need to learn about your dormitory first, then his eyes are filled with blood.

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 65 In English

Shall we sit down and solve this issue through Peace, let’s find out who he is and what he is doing, then OK, dad, as you say, let ‘s take a look first, let’s see who it is He doesn’t answer, he doesn’t answer your calls, he didn’t answer my calls, he learned that we planned the attack . Teskilat Season 3 Episode 65 In English He has time, if he finds out we’re hiding, he ‘ll get really aggressive You know that, calm down a little first, if he finds out that you’re dead, he’ll get emotional and uncontrollable, you know, he’s very fond of you Helen will never forgive you, thank you,

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 65 In Urdu

the facts are not open to David Look, this time, keep an eye on Helen, I want you to report your every step, it’s wrong. understood yes space space Look here I sent it, what is it? A hotel in Baghdad made a payment to fredericle , it matched one of the credit card numbers on the file let’s contact the team Teskilat Season 3 Episode 65 In Urdu  We’ll go to Baghdad tomorrow I reached the hotel’s guest list unfortunately frederi checked out this morning, where did he go, same credit card today at 12.30 Used at a gas station in the vicinity You’re amazing .

Watch Teskilat Season 3 Episode 65 With Best English and Urdu Subtitles

Bircan friends, we got a clue about frederik. Mr. Gürcan will share the details with you, we need to locate him as soon as possible . It’s understood, sir. Watch Teskilat Season 3 Episode 65 With Best English and Urdu Subtitles I’m contacting the team. we need how much time we have to be very quick contact the tribes he ate like this one of the top levels of the organization died today who will attend his funeral Well the most important tribal leaders of the region will be there . make arrangements for a very suitable time , contact us, not our foreign friends,

Teskilat Season 3 Episode 64 With Best English and Urdu Subtitles

let’s attend the funeral together tomorrow, we can’t find a better opportunity than this Good evening, my president, good evening , is there any development regarding Omar frederi? For now, we only know that they are in that region . Our work continues to determine the exact location, friends. Tomorrow, you are going to Iraq immediately. They will go to space with Gürcan tonight and complete all the preparations. It’s understood. Contact them immediately and start the preparations right away You are welcome , sir. Teskilat Series




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